Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lets get comprehensive

The following is a letter sent in reply to Brad Thoburn of the Mayors office. I sent it to most of the citys mayoral staff, Parks and Rec leadership, Environmental clean up managers, and involved citizens... The links were added later for your pleasure.

Good evening everyone,

I wanted to follow up from my previous email.

I think the thing that needs to be done first and foremost is to develop a comprehensive plan for Hogans Creek.

My point in all of this is, The Army Core of Engineers plan has been billed by the city as being some sort of fix all. I think that we all know it is not. Aquatic re-nourishment MIGHT help the bacterial issue, but it doesnt solve any of the other issues we have, nor does it make the parks along the creek useful again to the citizens of Downtown Jacksonville and Historic Springfield.

I want to stress, when I say comprehensive plan, "clean it up" simply wont work. I feel we need to identify sites that are contaminated or possibly contaminated and work towards clean up plans. This means addressing both industrial, and bacterial problems and identifying how it can be addressed. Let’s see if we can get JEA to find leaking sewer lines, or failed septic tanks that are contributing to bacterial problems.

We also need to identify both short and long term goals, and see where existing concepts and unfunded mandates like the aquatic re-nourishment plan, fit into the overall plan.

A good short term goal might be to wrap up the clean-up in Confederate Park. It seems to be one of the best understood sites of industrial waste along the creek.

A good long term goal would be to complete architectural restoration to Kluthos remaining architecture. Perhaps lighting the Greenway, or including workout stations along a fully extended Greenway that runs from the River to Shands. I think the plan should include everything from the serious environmental issues to the mundane items like playground structures.
I also think that the comprehensive plan needs to include the entire length of the creek. Let’s talk about some good goals for the entire creek. What do we need to look at for flood control? Re-establishing the upper and lower ponds? Maybe establish more down stream parkland and ponds near the Stadium complex? Maybe reinstall flood gates like Klutho did?

The Mayor has talked about wanting to green up downtown. Why cant we make an effort to green up existing park land in downtown, land that could potentially become a central park type system to a thriving downtown, before we talk about towing under parking lots and planting trees on Main St?

Simply building a comprehensive plan shouldn't cost much money, and would give both the city and the community of Downtown and Historic Springfield a list of actionable items. Once the list of goals are created, then all interested parties can seek funding, be it though bond money, grant money, federal and state money, or even donations.

I look forward to hearing from you all on these thoughts.


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